This is a early draft of our poster. From this we built on the ideas and tried different techniques to try and make it more appealing to our target audience.
This is a early draft of our poster. From this we built on the ideas and tried different techniques to try and make it more appealing to our target audience.
EMI (Electric And Music Industries Ltd) was created in 1931 by the merging of the His Master Voice with the UK Columbia Graphophone Company and Gramophone Company. The label early history is very colourful with the company being involved in guided missile technology, radar, large scale electronics. The company later became involved in broadcasting technology and provided the first television transmitter to the BBC. In music the year the company was formed was the same year that the famous Abbey Studios in London was opened.
Famous Signed Artists:
Elvis Presley
Dean Martin
Cliff Richard
Frank Sinatra
The Beatles
Tne Beach Boys
Pink Floyd
30 Seconds To Mars
Lily Allen
Beastie Boys
David Bowie
Daft Punk
Duran Duran
George Michael
Kylie Minogue
The Rolling Stones
Robbie Willliams
EMI is split in to seven divisions: Angel Music Group, Capitol Music Group, Blue Note Music Group, Caroline Distribution, EMI Christian Music Label, EMI Arabia.
The camera moves around a lot in this video. It does a lot of tracking, panning and zooming whih all add to the speed of the video. The camera also uses focusing techniques were the camera fades out of focus when look ing at an object then fades back into focus on something else. This also adds to the chaotic nature of the video.Editing
The editing of this video is very chaotic and changes speed with no rhythm or structure which add to the overall chaotic look of the video. Also their are a lot of moment were the camera zooms into a black space and fades into another making the editing seem very smooth whilst still keeping the chaotic feeling of the video.Mise-en-Scene
The band are dress all in black whith big hoods and white masks. Their faces are then projected onto the masks untill later in the video where we see the band dress in more typical clothing. Throughout the video there are these people dressed in strangly coloured full body suits. There are four of these people one of which is very fat. Throughout the video they make strange shapes and move and a lot. The purpose of these people is purely artistic I think.Sound
The syncing of this video is very well. later on in the video there is non diagetic sound as in the music we her some kind of synthesises keyboard but no keyboard appears in the video.
Throughout this video the camera stay absolutly still. And zoom or movement that you see is actually the lego being moved. This was done to make the video flow better so that the different movements al match each other. Wee see a lot of close ups of the singer and a lot of long shot of the drummer. This was done so that we can see the lego character playing and singing in time to the music so it seem ike the lego is actually making the music.Editing
Even though this is a fast paced video the editing is not that face because the thing in the video are constantly moving which make the video very busy so that editing is slower to give the viewer more time to process what is on the screenSound
At the start of the video you hear sounds of somebody putting the lego together. This is put in to make it clear to the viewer that this video is made of lego.Mise-En-Scene
This whole video is made from lego. I think the reason they did this is to make the video stand out from most other music videos. The video is very well made as all the singing and drumming is in time. The band themselves have a colour scheme of red, white and black which is shown in the video as the band member are both ony in these colours. The background incorperates these coulour but also uses other colour to make the band stand out. The video is very busy with a lot of thing moving within the video, this is make the video seem as fast paced as the song.
The camera moves a lot in this video e.g. zooming and panning. This is done to make this video seem slower as controlling the spped of this dramatic changes the pace of the video. The camera focuses on the singer a lot as he lip syncs to the song.Editing
A lot of old video have been added into this video to further the idea that this is in a school. A lot of effect are also used like making inate thing move or give certain object colour whilst the rest of the video is in black and white.Sound
This video is set in a school with the band member as pupils. The start of the video is mostly in black and white except when we see the band dancing with their guitars. Then later the video goes into colour. This is done to show that school is boring so its in black and white but then they start dancing and having fun so its in colour
The beginningof the video focuses on the guitar becasue the famous guitar riff is playing. As the video continues in mixes between all different shot of the band and strange images of girls with tentacles. The shot of the band are mosty mid shot which are used so we can see them playing their instruments as well as their faces. This helps us to be able to recognise them better.Editing
The editing is in time to the singing, lingering on certain images for a line then changing to either the singer singing the next line or another image. This is a little different from normal music videos which usually keep in time to the music not the singing.Sound
The band synced very well in the mking of this video as there are no part where the band look out of time. This is because they are all very good musicians who have won numerous awards.Mise-en-scene
This video is set in upmarket hotel which gives the video a certain expensive look.
Straight away we are told that this video is about life on the road for this band with shots of the roads, the tour bus and road signs. This music video is more of a compilation of different of the band perform this song, performing onstage, fans, the band on the bus and the bnd backstage before a show. The camera focuses on how the band act when they're together e.g. messing around or joking with each other. This video is made to make us like the band more and see them as induvidual people not just a band.
This video uses black and white footage which augments the sombre tone of the song as it make it seem blank and barren and creates more focus on what the band are doing in the shot. It also uses focusing techniques e.g. keeping the camera still but changing to focus to another mamber of the band. This creates a sense of togetherness for the band and reinforces the feeling that they are all on this trip together.
We see the band perform this song in two different places; alone in a practise and onstage. We also see the singer singing it alone on the tour bus and we the audience singing along to the stage.
This band dresses very typically for their genre which is Metal. They all have lots of tattoos and crazy hairstyles. They also wear clothes with skulls and demons on them and have lots of piercing between them. In this video we also see them dressed more casually which shows them as normal people and help us to like them more.
Their is a clear mix between shot that move and shot that are still in this video. The shots that are still are ones that were shot for this video and show Johnny Cash at the time that this video was shot. The shot were the camera moves are old clips of Johnny when he was young and in his prime as a successful country and western singer. This coupled with the music gives the video a sombre tone and makes Johnny seem a shadow of his former self. we also see pictures of his wife June Carter-Cash who passed away before this video was made and this video seen to reflect the sadness in Johnny's heart. Their are also still shots of the scenery around Johnny which are tthings like a feast and statues of jesus on the cross. This adds to the sadness and furthers the belief that Johnny is a fallen hero.
Most of the time the next shot comes just before or just after the main beat of the bar. This works very well because it gives more impact to the sombre nature of the video. The addition of old footage of Johnny in his prime as the song builds up make this video truly moving. The footage of him in his prime let us compare him now when he's old and grey to when he was at his most famous which makes this video even more sad as we can see and her the toll time and age has taken on him.Sound
The music is one of the most powerful parts of this video. The music is what gives all the imagery meaning. Johnnys voice is not as powerful as it used to be and so he singings in a droning almost monotone style and this coupled with his clear pain filled lyrics make this performance a particularly emotional one. Also when we see him lip syncing he does it looking like he is in great emotional pain giving this video even more power and meaning.
Mise En SceneHe is still wearing his black suit which is one of his more famous attributes. In the scenes where we seem his at the time of this video all the things in the background look ages and part of out dated fashions which creates the feeling that this is a lonley old man who is reminiscing about the mistakes he has made.
The real time footage of Johnny shows him in a old house with lots of christian images around like a statue of Jesus and a feast on which Johnny poars red wine over. Also most of the clips of Johnny are black and white or bad quality showing how old they and how old he is.
Cinematography – The camera never moves throughout the whole video. This adds to feeling of it being low budget because they do not have a camera man which is evident by the camera staying stationary. The people within the camera move going from long shot to mid shots. The person that moves the most is the singer who moves closer to the camera so we can see him singing.
Editing – The editing in this video is very clever. The people are moving as if they have been speed up but the singer is still singing in this to the music. This was properly done buy recording the band moving at a normal pace but the singer singing at a slower pace that way when it is sped up he is singing in time to music but they are all moving at a quicker pace.
Sound – The lip syncing in this is very well done as the singer would of had to sing at a slower pace then the song actually is and he had to do all the moving an running around.
Mise-en-scene – They stay in the same room throughout the whole video. The mise en scene changes twice in the video though use of lighting, props and costume. The first time it gets really dark and they all put scarves on fake snow it thrown over them. The second time the light turns blue and finger puppets appear around the camera.
The first shot in this video is a establishing shot. This shot tells us that he is in a city with a lot of skyscrapers so stereotypical he may be in New York. He speaks at the start of the video and the camera goes to a close up of his face whilst he speaks. This let us establish who it is and how he looks at the moment because he wants to show people that he look fashionable and keeps up with the latest fashions. He raps with a lot of emotion in this song so there are a lot of close ups to show this emotion with facial expression and hand and arm gestures and movements. Also as he rap he sway and the camera sways with to keep him in the centre of the camera and the centre of attention.
This video is a mix between continuity and montage editing as it follows a loose story in two setting and jumps between the two settings whilst he sings the lyrics in both settings. It also jumps between different angles within the same setting. This creates a very effective way of explaining his feeling in this song through editing as is talking about he is trying to work through the chaos in his life.
The lip syncing in this video is done expertly because the camera is very focused on him so he had to make sure his singing is exactly in time.
There are two setting in this video; a city and a basement. The basement setting is used to hep illustrate his feeling of being trapped which is confirmed when he break through a wall when the lyrics talk about facing his problems. He is dressed very typical for his genre which is Hip Hop which include the cross around his neck, sleevless tops, baggy jeans and Nike Trainers