This theory focuses on the four catorgies of film editing: Graphic, Rhythmic, Spatial and Temporal.
Graphic - Graphic editing focuses of the pictorial qualities of the mise en scene or the cinematographical elements of the film.
E.g. Graphic match - The camera cuts to an object of a distinct colour, shape or size the cuts to different scene with a similar object in the place of the other.
Rhythmic - Rhythmic editing can affect the pace and the feel of the video by focusing of the duration of the shots. It focuses on accents, beats and the tempo.
E.g. Very fast cuts which leave the audience very little time to think about the images on the screen or very long shots which let the audience think about the images.
Spatial - Spatial editing focuses on the films space and the relationship between different spaces and the editors maniptution of them.
E.g. Crosscutting - Cutting between two setting, emphasising the story.
Temporal - Tempoal editing refers to the apparent manipuation of time within the film in relation to order, duration and frequency.
E.g. Flashbacks - Cutting to a earlier time frame with some sort of indicator usually black and white effect.
Here are two videos that illustrate these theories:
This is for Graphic and spatial -
This is for Temporal and Rhythmic -
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