Sunday, 5 September 2010

Theories 3: Goodwin

Goodwin's theory catgorises music videos into one of three catgories; Illustration, Amplification and Disjunture depending on their content.

Illustrate - This is your sterotypical music video where the cuts are always on the beat and the video just illustrates what the lyrics are saying. The band will also be dressed very typically to how the audience would expect them to dress.

Amplification - This is the catagory that most music videos fall into. The cuts are mostly on the beat but it has cuts off beat to emphasise something. The video will follow a story that has something to do with the lyrics but it might not be apparent at first and the band will probably play part in the plot but this is not nessesary.

Disjuncture - This is the smallest catagory as this is the hardest to pull off well. If it is not done well it can make the video look very bad and unprofessional. The cuts are off the beats, the ploy has nothing to do with the lyrics and the band won't appear in the video at all.

Studying this theory has help me to understand how to make a good music video in different ways and depending on how confident in my ablities I am will depend which of these catagories my video will fall into.

1 comment:

  1. It would have been good to see more images/video to illustrate your points. This is a fair explanation of Goodwin's theories.
